Thursday, August 26, 2010

Soft Landing

My sewing machine arrives tomorrow.

I've been scoping out potential fabrics and mulling over feather v. inexpensive stuffing. Can you even buy feathers at a fabric store? Is goose down spelled the same as falling down? Many questions....none Google couldn't answer but sometimes it's nice just to wonder about things.

The decision to make pillows is sort of a long time coming.

Bear with me (not to be confused with "bare with me" which could be considered an invitation to join me in nudity. Ew. No offense if you live in a colony of like minded human beings with a distaste for covering your naughty bits)

 Furthur posts will illustrate my talent as a tangent delver extraordinaire. (See paragraph above)

What was I talking about?

I'm two semesters away from a graduate degree (education) and in the midst of the never ending course work, I felt like I needed some way to stay in touch with my creativity (See: Lauren on the Level, arguably the suckiest name for a blog in the history of blogdom, yet to the point. Limited exaggeration (somewhere my husband is rolling his eyes..can you have a parenthesis inside a parenthesis?))

So here we are, exploring new venues for exercising creativity and generally wasting time that should be spent reading boring textbooks and feeding the homeless- which I should definitely look into.

Until my next post, I will leave you with this:

and these:
Saturday Grass ~ Weekends          Majestic Oak Grass ~ Modern Meadow

Farmdale Crosshatch  Green ~ Farmdale        Mix Citrus ~ Autumn Medley

We'll see.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome! Willkommen! Bonjour!

Hi! Welcome to my blog. You will notice by my boarder that I feel highly celebratory about this event. Unless you are reading this from the future when hopefully I will have progressed to a border that compliments the little path this blog is travelling down. In that case: Hi, people from the future! Is it really OK to eat Gulf Seafood yet? Did the world end in 2012? Did I finish grad school? Thx.

I am still mulling over the name and have yet to commit to a specific type of prose. Some things that will be consistent here will be:

1. My Dog.

2. My Husband.

3. Not necessarily in that order.

4. Possibly the sewing machine that I bought off of eBay today and hope to learn to use without skyrocketing the number of flesh wounds that occur in my home on a daily basis.

Writing has always been a hobby of mine, normally I am more entertaining when I am in the midst of an upswing, or a time of real happiness and joy in my life. Lately, I've decided that those upswings might have a little more to do with my attitude and personal view of my current situation that the actual reality of the situation. I had another blog once, but frankly I swore too much and had some rather pathetic opinions of what constituted Good Music. I have deleted it in hopes of beginning anew and for the sake of posterity and future children who would be embarrassed to read about their mother's appreciation for Cat Stevens. SO here I am, without the bad words and with a better attitude and more faith-centered approach to life.

Something about me: I know some fancy words but I have quite the ability to mutilate the English language by my HORRIFYING spelling proclivity. Typos should be added to the list.

4. Typos

Thanks for stopping by!